28 May 2014

Maths challenge!

Who can find examples of maths in their own environment whilst you are on half term? Think about what we explored duing our maths outside week. Let me know next week when we are back at school.
Mrs Johnston-Grant

More maths fun!

15 May 2014

Reception assembly

Well done to reception on their most enjoyable class assembly. We all really liked the counting in 2s song and all your lovely art work on beanstalks!


 Well done to Louie, Bobby, Nicole and Amber who won

their tennis competition and are now in the next round!

Year 3 class assembly

The children presented work from their Greek topic, gave a basketball demonstration, showed some of their practical maths work on 3D shapes and gave ICT instruction on using a branching database.

13 May 2014

Eco Council vegetable patch

The vegetables which the Eco Council planted with Mrs Chapman outside year 2 are starting to grow!! Can you see the lettuces, beetroot and carrots?

8 May 2014

Year 1 assembly

Well done year 1 on your super class assembly. We enjoyed your seed song and seeing all your lovely  art work.

7 May 2014


Don't forget to buy your tickets for this Friday's disco !

May's school value is courage

In assembly today we watched an extract from The Wizard of of Oz when the lion was asking for courage!

Art Club

The first Art Club session took place today with some painting inspired by sunflowers.

Building Learning Power

Well done to Zavier who said, "I'm going to be like Mighty Mouse and I'm not going to give up in reading."

Leon was being resourceful when he got some mirrors for his table to use.

Tamara used books to help a friend which was being resourceful.

Emeka said. " Wonder Owl helped us do PE and write at the writing table."

Year 2 feel the animals have helped them more.

Year 6 D-Day Poetry


Soldiers marching in like a stampede

As the villagers hide

Gas masks on quickly

As the fighter planes glide

Smoke bombs messing up vision

As the soldiers try fighting back

The sirens gone off

“Get in the air raid shelter and shut the latch”

The Blitz has begun

The Nazis charge in

They think they rule the planet

They bombed everything starting with a bin

Hitler believed he won

The British had only begun

“We will not be beaten”

“Everyone grab a gun"

By Lucy


Soldiers running in like a stamped
 As the enemy stands ready
Machine guns like elephant trunks
As the Sargent calls “fire fast and steady”

Tanks like charging rhinos running down the beach
As the enemy look angry
Bullets pop holes in the boats
As the soldiers, in their heads, say good bye to their families

Cannons roaring like lions
As people get shot
Gas masks thrown onto faces like a ball
As the soldiers get sweaty and hot

Jeeps charge down the beach
As the soldiers protect the prisoners like a moat
Ships prepare to pounce for Britain
As the soldiers and prisoners get back on the boat

By Finley

D Day!

Waves pouncing onto the golden sand,

As tanks sprint along the Normandy roads,

Boats eating the waves,

As soldiers shoot out loads.

Wind whistling at the soldiers,

As foes anger is fire,

Guns screeching at their owner,

As tough as barbed wire. 

By Charleigh

Year 6 Dunkirk Evacuation Newspaper Articles